
McDon offers a comprehensive range of services, catering to both short-term and long-term security needs. We specialize in developing customized security risk management solutions that can be seamlessly integrated into all aspects of an organization’s operations.

Our core service offerings include:

1. Manned Security Guarding: Our highly trained security guards provide on-site protection and surveillance to ensure the safety of your premises.

2. Executive Protection: We offer close protection services for at-risk personnel, providing an extra layer of security and peace of mind.

3. Secure Logistics: Our services include armed police escorts, airport meet and greet services, and journey management solutions, ensuring the safe transportation of valuable assets.

4. Incident Investigations: Our experienced team conducts thorough investigations into security incidents, gathering evidence and providing expert analysis.

5. Background Checks and Due Diligence: We conduct comprehensive background checks on individuals and organizations to mitigate potential risks.

6. Security Equipment: We provide a wide range of state-of-the-art security equipment, including CCTV systems, alarm systems, time and attendance systems, access control systems, bollards, scanners, and more.

7. Security Training: Our training programs cover general security awareness as well as specialized training on specific security topics, equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills to respond effectively to security threats.

8. General Security Solution Consultancy: We offer consultancy services to assess your security needs, recommend appropriate solutions, and assist with implementation.

At McDon, we follow the Deter, Delay, Deny, Detect, Defend & Report (5DR) methodology, a proven approach to crime prevention. This comprehensive strategy helps deter potential threats, delay their progress, deny them access, detect their presence, defend against attacks, and report incidents for appropriate action.

With McDon’s extensive range of services and our commitment to the highest standards of security, we provide our clients with reliable and effective solutions to protect their assets and ensure peace of mind.

… beMcDonSECURE® … beSAFE®